Special Care Dentistry

Some of our patients require extra special dental care in a private room or hospital setting. Patients with special needs are those who due to physical, medical, developmental, or cognitive conditions require special care and consideration when receiving dental treatment. This can include children with autism, spinal cord injuries, Down syndrome, anxiety, and other conditions that make standard dental procedures more difficult.

Our motto is to provide special care for ALL people that seek our care for their dental needs, no matter their race, background, or any other contributing health factor. In particular, our dental office has implemented strategies to make patients that may respond negatively to traditional sensory experiences in a dental office feel more comfortable. We use a lot of tell-show-do, and provide patients with “bite-sized” appointments that are easy to manage. We invest a lot of time at the beginning of the care relationship getting the patients accustomed to the office. Most importantly, we differentiate patient needs and provide care in both group and private settings depending on what is best for your child.

Our doctors have both the compassion and understanding to accommodate patients that have special needs. Therefore, our office features special care rooms where customized, controlled, and safe care can be provided to all children. Additionally, Dr. Young and Dr. Tann have privileges at Windsor Regional Hospital so patients that require comprehensive care in the environment of general anesthesia with the support of Specialty certified anesthesiologists can be provided. If your child has special needs or requires special considerations in the delivery of dental care, please let us know when making your appointment, so we can be sure to create a positive experience and accommodate those needs from the very minute you enter our office.

